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100-Milers are Extra Special and Stay with You Forever ❣️

Introduction… Back in March, whilst pondering whether or not to run the Ultron Ultimate Trails of Penang or the Tailwind Penang Eco 100 trail run, I had a conversation with Ng Seow Kong (one of the Organisers of both) that went something like this... Me: Why would I want to run a 100 Miles when I've done the C2C*? SK: Because a 100 Milers in one shot is a special thing. Me: But wasn't C2C special? SK: Of course it was but 100 Milers are extra special and stay with you forever! I heard these words and chose eventually to do both runs. However, I did not really understand what Seow Kong meant and, have, to confess, that I remained a serious "Doubting Thomas" of Seow Kong's logic up until I reached CP6 on Saturday evening some 126kms into the race! Before I explain what happened there though, let me start at the beginning of this latest TriHard Rustman Adventure. Be warned it’s pointless to expect a short story though. You can expect 5 disc

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